
Welcome to the TJX Foundation Grant Management System

First Time Applicants

- Please click the "New Applicant" button below the e-mail address field.

*Non-Profits must choose an email & password that is accessible to all staff involved with the request*

- The password may not be the same as the account email address.
- The password must be at least 5 characters, with a combination of letters and numbers.
- “Invalid e-mail or password," indicates that the email address has already been used to set up an account. Please click
_ the "forgot password?" button below to have a temporary password sent to your email address.

Returning Users

- Please enter the email address and password associated with your online account below.
- To reset the account password, please click the “forgot password?” button below.
- If the previous account holder no longer works for your organization, please click the “New Applicant” button to create
- a new account. Organizational profiles are linked by tax-id.

*Important Notice*

Please note that forms are sometimes updated, so you should only begin a form if you plan on submitting it within 30 days. Click the "exit" link in the top right corner, to visit our TJX Foundation webpage.

E-mail Password